These are crazy times! Aside from the natural concerns we all have about the health of our loved ones, our community, and others, with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we are all trying to continue our construction projects and our business. As much as is possible, we need to keep our teams productive, so that folks stay employed, and the economy is as good as it can be — in such a time of crisis.
Many of the clients of budget4cast.com, especially construction project managers and facilities managers, will be transitioning to working from home (much as I have), over the coming days and weeks. With this change, we will all be looking for even more efficient means of working online and remotely.
While budget4cast can’t help our courageous frontline healthcare providers, or deliver groceries to high risk folks, we can and will do our part. Our application, which is designed explicitly and only for project budget management tasks, is perfect for those needing to work online/remote. And, until our country and businesses get to a more stable place, budget4cast is offering a Free Project, for you to put to work, managing your project budget. This free project (no strings or commitments) is available to you RIGHT NOW, by going to our site, and just signing up.
Please all be safe, and take care of yourselves, your family, and your community — first and foremost. If there is anything budget4cast can do to help manage your construction, facilities, or IT budgets, please reach out, by submitting a Contact Us form on the web site.