budget4cast.com for Capital Asset Management & Facility Management

September 14, 2023
Featured image for “budget4cast.com for Capital Asset Management & Facility Management”
Graphical representation of various facility management concepts with a house in the middle

Managing the budgets for maintenance, renovations, and construction of office buildings, apartment complexes, schools, municipals buildings, etc., can be a tedious, complex operation.  Facility Managers for cities, real estate management companies, and others, have to plan for, and monitor the budgets for a wide range of disparate efforts, including:

  • Leasing
  • Architectural design
  • Construction projects
  • Utility placement and movement
  • Renovations
  • Furniture
  • Salvage
  • Just to name a few….

The person responsible for managing these complex budgets have a hard choice to make:  Either track all the projected and actual costs through a huge, complicated set of Excel spreadsheets and macros, that are hard to maintain, hard to share, and difficult to access across multiple platforms.  OR…. Spend tens of thousands of dollars every year, plus large amount of upfront installation and training costs for a complex product like Procore or OwnerInsight.

HOWEVER, now there is a better choice!  Budget4cast.com is the affordable, full featured, secure, cloud-based application, that provides to Facility Managers and others managing such Capital projects, a cheap and powerful tool!  Here are just some of the advantages of budget4cast:

  • Manage budgets, using budget codes and funding sources.
  • Cash flow analysis, and management dashboard.
  • Affordable. As low as $49/month per project, with unlimited users and data!
  • NO upfront, setup costs!
  • Cloud-based, so available on all your devices.
  • Hosted in secure data center. Your data is backed up, so you don’t have to!
  • Customized reporting: Provide great data to your management!

Plus, you can try out our construction project management software for FREE!  Sign up online for a project, that you can use for an entire year!  And, scheduling an online demo is as easy as filling out a contact form on our website.