The many users of budget4cast have seen repeatedly that this application is great for managing construction project budgets. The full database backend allows clients to track forecasted costs associated with any type of contract, from installation, to maintenance, to capital expenditures. The easy-to-use (and secure!) cloud-based user interface makes it easy to associated invoices from vendors to these commitments, as well as to track and approve Change Requests (and the invoices associated with these.) And the full featured reporting and dashboard functions, provide a powerful means of managing the budget details and progress for the entire project.
These same powerful tools can be used to track initiatives as companies reorient their business for the new reality forced upon us by the novel Coronavirus outbreak. Whether your manufacturing operations are being retooled to enable production of products needed for first responders, or you just need to track costs and payments associated with extended sick time or family leave, you can use budget4cast to manage all these budgets and costs effectively.
Plus, with the Funding Sources feature, you can track your budgets and expenditures to a new stimulus benefit from the government, an Emergency Small Business Loan, or an insurance payout.
It is quick and easy to get started using For just $49/month per initiative, it is also a very affordable way to get these transition costs organized.